Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Disable F11 (fullscreen) in XFCE (xubuntu) Terminal


Most of keyboard shortcuts can be disabled in the preferences UI, but F11 is not there.

By default, F11 is fullscreen toggle in terminal window.

It is convenient to use F11 and F12 as shortcuts for prev (C-a p) and next (C-a n) in screen.

OS version at the moment of writing:
$ cat /etc/os-release
VERSION="18.04.2 LTS (Bionic Beaver)"

Workaround / solution

Open file:
add or edit "fullscreen" shortcut definition line to look like this:
(gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/terminal-window/fullscreen" "")
I had the following line (commented out) in the original file:
; (gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/terminal-window/fullscreen" "F11")

-- April 2019